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Bonjour apple windows 10Download Bonjour Print Services for Windows v.Bonjour - Apple Developer
Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 8 Search Community member. Kenneth Pincus. I am new to Windows This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Rajesh Govind. Why does Bonjour Service appear on Windows 10? This means that when you install the application, it will automatically install Bonjour Services onto your Windows 10 computer. Apart from Windows 10, you can also find Bonjour Service in the following Windows operating systems. Should you disable Bonjour Services? Bonjour Service comes with the application you have installed. This means that disabling Bonjour Service on Windows 10 might stop the application working.
Can you remove it from this menu? Read the post and you will know the answers to the questions. You might have made the decision whether to disable Bonjour Service after reading the above part. If you want to disable Bonjour Service on Windows 10, there are two quick ways to remove it. Step 3 : Click on the Services tab. Step 2 : Select Apps. Step 4 : Select uninstall, and again, uninstall. Please note that to get rid of the Bonjour service totally, you might have to uninstall the app using it as well.
Bonjour is a useful service that gives you more flexibility if you work with devices that use multiple operating systems. Thank you for reading.
If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Web developer and technical writer focusing on frontend technologies. If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Tweet a thanks. Learn to code for free. Removing the Bonjour service may cause some Apple software to stop working, but only for older software. Bonjour is no longer included with the latest available version of iTunes, while other Apple software that required it, like Safari, is no longer supported on Windows.
The Bonjour service appearing as mDNSresponder. Instead, Bonjour is a service that works in the background, allowing other apps and software to communicate with other devices and services including Apple products on a network. This is harder to find, since while iTunes for Windows used to include Bonjour support, this is no longer available with the Microsoft Store version the latest available version. You could also install other outdated Apple software, like Safari, but this is not recommended.
Older software is usually coupled with bugs and security issues that could expose your PC to malware. Apple has made part of Bonjour mDNSresponder. This is why support for Bonjour has been integrated into products like printers on a wider basis in recent years. Like all running services, the Bonjour service may appear to use your system resources in Windows Task Manager.
Bonjour apple windows 10. Download Bonjour Print Services for Windows v2.0.2
I have dragons dogma pc free begun getting the Apple Update window and I don't even want Apple products on my computer. I bonjour apple windows 10 know where Bonjour came from but I don't know if one or more apps are using it.
Can I uninstall it without causing problems? Had he read the link I posted he would have had a list of applications that use Bonjour including, among others, Adobe. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member.
Tom Hinckley. Does anyone know how I can bonjour apple windows 10 if it is being used by an app? This thread is locked.
You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. In reply to Andre for Directly's post on July 31, I already gave this one up. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve tutorials adobe illustrator cs6 free site. This site in other languages x.
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